What is the Synod on Synodality?
Under this strange name is an exciting reality. Pope Francis is calling on Catholics and non-Catholics around the world to gather in small groups, listen deeply to each other, listen to the Holy Spirit, and tell him what we’ve heard.
When will this happen?
We’re asking you to sign up between January 22 and 30. Once signups are completed, we’ll arrange everyone into small groups of about six people. These groups will be invited to meet seven times from the beginning of February and to mid-April. By the end of April, we’ll send our information to the Diocese of Saskatoon, and everyone’s information will be sent to Rome.
What will we be talking about?
Each session will focus on a different theme with a series of reflection questions. You can find them all on page 10 of the Diocesan Handbook.
How will these sessions work?
This Synod is about listening to each other and listening to the Holy Spirit. These means we don’t want our sessions to become arguments or platforms for personal agendas. To keep us focused on deep listening, the main part of each session will go like this:
Reflection: Sessions will begin with a time of silent prayerful reflection on the questions provided for the session.
Round 1: Participants will then each have the opportunity to share their own personal reflection with the group. Members of the group who are not currently sharing will humbly listen and not interrupt the sharing or respond at this time.
Short Reflection: Each person will pray quietly and reflect on what God might be revealing to them through the sharing of others.
Round 2: Participants will then take turns sharing what insights and revelations struck them from the previous round of sharing. At this time it is appropriate to dialogue about the session topic.
Short Reflection: Each person will now prayerfully discern what the Lord might be revealing to the group from this conversation.
Round 3: Participants will discuss and discern together what from their conversations should be recorded and passed on to the diocese for further discernment. It will be key to not only include what the majority voice is saying in the group but to record the “minority report” as well.
Sign ups are now closed! If you’d still like to join, please email Fr. Matthew directly.