Restorative Justice ministry is a response to crime and violence that regards relationships, human dignity, and accountably as central to the healing and transformation of persons. There are six fundamental questions that need to be addressed in a restorative response to crime: Who has been hurt? What are their needs? Whose obligations are these? What are the causes? Who has a stake in the situation? What is the appropriate process to involve stakeholders in an effort to address causes and put things right? This approach reflects the most basic tenants of the Gospel and the Catholic Church’s social teachings.
The Restorative Justice committee seeks to raise awareness about this approach to justice in the parish and larger community and to involve volunteers in concrete responses that will bring about the healing and transformation envisioned by restorative justice. We minister to those in prison by visiting prisoners, participating and leading prayer at the correctional centre, and assisting Dianne Anderson, the Catholic prison chaplain, in whatever ways possible. We also serve those released from prison through our involvement with Circles of Support and Accountability working with sex offenders whose goal is not to reoffend, and through our support for Str8up, which works to heal and transform ex-offenders. Finally we are seeking ways and means to minister to those who have been harmed by crime.
For more information or to get involved, please contact the parish office.