Becoming Catholic can be an intimidating thought regardless of whether you are new to coming to church or if you have been attending church for a long time with your Catholic family. Everybody’s journey is different and we want to help you, or somebody you know, make a smooth transition into the Catholic Church.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the process by which people are welcomed into the life of the Catholic Church. The RCIA a journey of conversion which leads to joining our parish family and becoming a member of the Catholic community. The process begins any time of the year, whenever you are ready to start meeting with the RCIA coordinator. When you are ready, you will partake in faith sharing groups in the wider parish and eventually join a group of others who are seeking to become Catholic.
If it has been on your heart for a while, or if you feel that God is stirring something up in you, please contact contact Danial Pettipas, Coordinator of Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation.

“The RCIA program has given me so much this past year. It has opened my eyes and heart to God again. I had lost my way to God a few years ago and was so happy to have found my faith again. My sponsor, who is also my good friend, has been a wall of support for me. I enjoyed sharing this experience with the other Candidates because we each talked about how our beliefs have affected our lives and how our faith has brought us closer to each other. Over all the RCIA experience has given me a sense of belonging to the faith community of St. Anne’s Church and a deeper sense of being closer to God. These sessions have helped me enrich my faith deeper than I ever thought was possible.”
Susan Poelzer- Initiated into the Catholic Faith
“My RCIA journey was a wonderful surprise! I approached SR. Dianne about attending RCIA just to further my own faith development. Somehow, I got roped into being a sponsor, and it was the most amazing blessing. The young lady I sponsored is such a beautiful person. She shared so much of herself, her spirituality and her life that I came away feeling I received a lot more than I gave. I could have just attended the meetings and still developed my own faith as a result, but journeying with someone eager to learn, hungry for our Catholic Faith that we take so often for granted, was the most amazing blessing of all.”
Keri Kotyk – Sponsor
“Being on the RCIA team this year has once again surprised me. At the end of every year I think ‘well that certainly was wonderful, I can’t imagine next year being any better.’ After 5 years on the RCIA team, I continue to be amazed. The privilege of being able to journey with these adults always gives me far more than I could ever hope to give them. My faith continues to grow as does my understanding, my acceptance, and my absolute awe of God. Watching Him work in the lives of the RCIAcandidates and catechumens is always a reflection of how He continues to work in my life.”
Sherry Mountain – Team Member