Jesus wants all children to have a friendship with Him! At Jump! Children can learn more about their faith with fun activities and have a chance to respond to God’s call for holiness and relationship. This is a great space to bring children who are wondering about their faith or want to make great friendships with other young children.

Jump! is a chance for children grades 4 & 5 to gather once a month to celebrate friendship, faith and have lots of fun! Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy this time with us.
Parents are welcome to stay while we gather. We will be gathering at the same time as K4C (Ages 3 – Grade 3)


J – Jesus first

U – U are called to love, bless and serve God and others

M – Me:  We are God’s special and wonderful creations, and we cherish our unique gifts, our very lives.

P – Plan: We want to grow in holiness, to know God’s will, and to follow His path.  Our plan helps us do this with the help of the Holy Spirit.


Sessions for 2023/2024 | 6:30-8:00pm at St. Anne’s Hall 
Monday October 16
Monday November 20
Monday December 18
Monday January 15
Monday March 18
Monday April 15
Monday May 13

If you would like to volunteer with Jump! Please contact Alexia George at
We are looking for adults who feel comfortable leading different sessions with children! If you are talented or have experience teaching, playing music, being super fun or praying with others you would be a great asset to the team!